Just like Instagram and Facebook Stories, on WhatsApp, users share precious moments of their lives that automatically vanish after just twenty- four hours.
Unlike other apps, this point has been introduced lately on WhatsApp, which has been rolled out to Android and iOS users in recent days.
Are you familiar with this procedure? If not, you can insure its use in the following way.
First of all stoner open WhatsApp and go to status tab.
Click the pencil icon on the Status tab.
Flash back that in Android phones this icon will be in the lower right corner while in iPhone it'll be visible above the status updates.
After clicking on the icon, in the new window, press the mic icon in the lower right corner to record the audio.
After the recording, the stoner can hear to it himself through the play button before posting it.
Yes, if you do not like the recording, click the delete button to record the audio again or click the send button if you want to post it.
still, it has also been quested that the duration of the voice recording shouldn't exceed 30 seconds else it'll not be posted as a status.
Learn how to use it.
How to record and post voice status in WhatsApp? For this purpose open WhatsApp and go to status tab.
Click the pencil icon on the Status tab.
In Android phone this icon will be in the nethermost right corner while in iPhone it'll be visible above the status updates.
After clicking on this icon, in the new window, press the mic icon in the lower right corner to record the audio.
You can also hear to the recording after the recording before posting it via the play button.
still, click the delete button to record the audio again or click the send button if you want to post it, If you do not like the recording.
Please note that the duration of the voice recording shouldn't exceed 30 seconds or it'll not be posted as a status.